Eye Clinic Missions & Projects
As part of the club's outreach programs, members of the Rotary Club of Motorcycling Rotarians have supported and participated in several Rotary and VOSH* eye clinic missions in various locations throughout the world.
With your help, we look forward to continuing to provide glasses and vision services to various indigenous peoples that are less fortunate and often unable to have even the most basic of eye care and vision.
Please Add A Cash Donation
Many do not realize used eye glasses need to be cleaned, adjusted, measured, packaged, cataloged and shipped prior to making someone else's life for the better. Even though we are an entirely volunteer organization and have no labor costs we must still purchase and maintain equipment and supplies and provide for the measuring, sorting, packaging and shipping costs of the glasses. We humbly ask for a small donation (suggested $5 per pair) to supplement our costs.
Donated Glasses Change Lives
In many regions of the "third world", eye glasses are a luxury item that most indigenous people simply cannot afford. The simple gift of a properly fitted pair of prescription glasses opens the doors to the opportunity for these people to better their own lives in so many ways.
Without glasses, indigenous children are often unable to attend school let alone be able to read and learn.
Without glasses, indigenous adults with vision problems lose their jobs.
Without glasses, indigenous senior citizens become a great burden to their families and societies.
In these parts of the world there are no aides for the vision impaired.
Without glasses, life can be dangerous.
With one simple act of kindness
YOU can change lives!
Please send your used glasses
along with a suggested $5 per pair cash or check donation to:
Motorcycling Rotarians Eye Project
c/o Gerald Jackson
11305 Eagle Road
Davisburg, MI 48350 USA
You can also donate online by CLICKING HERE
*The Rotary Club of Motorcycling Rotarians conducts its eye glass project work in association with the Michigan Chapter of Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity (VOSH) International. voshmi.org